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Don't Forget Your Heart

Today, I write you as a busy woman. Well it's not like news to your ears, but I have a lot of things good happening for me right now.

  • I'm planning a wedding for myself. (Squee!)
  • I'm developing a freelance writing business. (A new web blog, developing a business plan, creating a portfolio, etc.)
  • I'm in the midst of being 'in between jobs.' (Yes, no more retail!)
  • To Love An Irishman is coming out in a month and a half.
The days count down to my book's release date and I can't believe it's almost here! Luckily, creating a business is like planning a wedding or writing a novel. 

Research, research, research!

Now I spend many hours browsing the internet, bookstores, and libraries for advice. You have to have an outlined plan of how you are going to go about setting up rates, clientele, services, and time-managing content output. Not to mention, I still have a whole other blog and website to manage (along with my author one). 

Here is a simple way to go about starting your own business:
  • Step One: Obtain a business license (if required in your state). (Just think: wedding license!)
  • Step Two: Create a business plan. (Just imagine yourself creating an outline for your latest novel only in business terms.)
  • Step Three: Create a portfolio, display project rates (the amount you charge clients), and explain the services you provide. Include writing samples of any previous work. (No previous experience is required, but it's good to have something to show!)
  • Step Four:  Create a website to showcase it on, and a blog to gain readers. (We know how to create both a website and a blog, don't we?)
  • Step Four: Find work online or check magazines and newspapers for submission guidelines. (Think www.elance.com and www.poewar.com.)
  • Step Five: Provide clientele with your best writing so they keep coming back for more! (Isn't this the main goal in everything we do? We love our loyal readers!)
Even YOU can freelance. Don't allow self-doubt to prevent you from doing what you love.
Is freelancing all it's cut out to be? Have experience or advice to share? Feel free to post your comments below.

As always, happy writing!
-Diva J.

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I Am Who I Am

I am an author, a poet, a singer, a musician, an artist, a dancer, and a gamer. I am considered a professional at only one. My talents define who I am, and have taught me something about my life.

As an author, the world is a story.
As a poet, the world is a myriad of senses.
As a singer, the world is a song.
As a musician, the world is a melody.
As an artist, the world is beautiful.
As a dancer, the world is your stage.
As a gamer, the world  is a potential playground.

I know I'm missing a lot of professions and your concept of the above can vary, but I'm just giving you my examples. Some people have to travel to experience the world, while some need only to read a book. Your experiences shape your view on the world and your life. They create the person that is you. Luckily, there can only be one you.

You are talented no matter what others say. Practice will always make you better at something. Knowledge is the key to success. Learn everything you can about something and try it before you say it is impossible. Anything is possible if you try.

Currently, I am working on my final edits. The task is tedious, but I've noticed a HUGE transformation in my book. Every word flows so much more beautifully within the context. The plot actually makes sense! My work has benefited from professional editing and I appreciate the two editors who've worked with me on To Love An Irishman these past eight months. Thank you.

My new website has launched and there is a page currently under construction. The blog tour page. Yes, folks, I will be trying my best to start one the week of my book's release date. I have two-three blogs in mind to contact, but if you know of any more, I'd love suggestions.

As always, thank you so much for reading.

Happy writing!
-Diva J.

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